media awards


the lurking crow by Leila:

  • cinematography/camerawork: i like how she used wide shots to capture the actor and the killers body movement.
  • mise-en-scéne: the setting matches the film theme as in it has natural comfortable setting.

  • lighting: natural light used in the house for the video.

  • sound: diegetic/non-diegetic; on/off screen, sound bridge; parallel/contrapuntal sound, voiceover narration

had a good sound design When the girl was talking on the phone you could clearly hear the person on the other side. There was no background noise interrupting the audio.

  • editing:good use of saturing (Shot reverse shot was used as well).

Intuition by Sopiga

  • cinematography/camerawork:  The camera used was really clear so we could see everything clearly. Wide shot was used  a lot as well as some close ups.
  • mise-en-scéne: casual setting mostly at home. The facial expressions that were used very well  as  it makes  it appealing to the audience since the actors were acting properly.
  • lighting:  Natural lighting from outside was used a lot from the sun.
  • sound:  used diegetic sound very well as the sound was really clear letting us hear it properly. good use of parallel sound when her friend was missing making it suspenseful for the audience.
  • editing:good use of  Continuity editing  throughout the video. shot reverse short was used as well. 


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